Caulfield South Weather Station Latest Observation: 8 Nov 2024, 12:04pm Elevation: 30 m Latitude: 37 53' 00" S Longitude: 145 01' 00" E

Your weather

  • Forecast: Mostly cloudy and cooler. Windy with possible wind shift to the W, SW, or S.
  • Sunrise: 5:06am
  • Sunset: 7:03pm
  • Moon phase: First Quarter
  • Season: Spring
  • Temperature: 15.1 C
  • Wind Chill: 15.1 C
  • Feels Like: 14.8 C
High Low
Daily: 18.4 C at 9:55am Daily: 14.9 C at 11:50am
Monthly: 34.3 C Monthly: 6.2 C
Yearly: 41.1 C Yearly: 0.9 C
  • Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr
Daily: 0.2 mm
Monthly: 1.8 mm
Yearly: 471.8 mm
  • Wind Speed: 0.0 km/hr
  • Direction: N
  • 10 Minute Average: 1.6 km/hr
Daily: 25.7 km/hr at 9:49am
Monthly: 46.7 km/hr
Yearly: 56.3 km/hr
Ultraviolet Radiation
  • UV index: 3.9
Daily: 5.1 at 11:10am
Monthly: 8.6
Yearly: 12.8
Solar Radiation
  • Solar: 418 W/m
Daily: 867 W/m at 9:28am
Monthly: 1178 W/m
Yearly: 1470 W/m
  • Air Pressure: 1009.1 hPa
  • Trend: Rising Slowly
High Low
Daily: 1009.1 hPa at 11:44am Daily: 1004.9 hPa at 4:29am
Monthly: 1019.1 hPa Monthly: 998.4 hPa
Yearly: 1037.6 hPa Yearly: 985.9 hPa
  • Humidity: 74 %
High Low
Daily: 74 % at 12:03pm Daily: 43 % at 9:56am
Monthly: 100 % Monthly: 13 %
Yearly: 100 % Yearly: 8 %
  • Today: 0.69 mm
  • Month: 30.91 mm
  • Year: 764.72 mm
Shallow Rooted Plants
  • Soil Moisture: 69 cb
  • Soil Temp: 15.6 C
  • Shallow Pond Temp: 15.0 C
High Low
Moisture: 76 cb at 12:07am Moisture: 64 cb at 1:18am
Temp: 16.1 C at 12:00am Temp: 15.6 C at 9:22am
Pot Plants
  • Soil Moisture: 200 cb
  • Soil Temp: 18.3 C
High Low
Moisture: 200 cb at 12:00am Moisture: 200 cb at 12:00am
Temp: 18.3 C at 10:25am Temp: 11.1 C at 5:18am
Leaf Wetness
  • Leaf Wetness: 0 /15
High Low
Daily: 15/15 at 11:35am Daily: 0/15 at 12:00am